Sunday, June 22, 2008

Funny Excerpt from an articlew in the Boston Globe

This is an excerpt from an article I read in the Boston Globe,

TV's best-ever cautionary tale about promoting environmentalism arrived on an episode of "South Park" from 2006, long before the advent of Planet Green. Called "Smug Alert," the half-hour ruthlessly parodied the self-righteousness of chic environmentalists. Kyle's father becomes obsessed with his new hybrid car, called a Pious, and that leads to a plot involving not toxic smog but toxic "smug." As Ranger McFriendly tells young Stan, "When people drive hybrid cars they get so full of themselves they spew tons of self-satisfied garbage into the air. That isn't smog - it's smug. . . . You get enough smug in the atmosphere, you know what that leads to? Global laming."

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